Thelema 93 Gothic Metal

Since 2020 SashaSS has been hosting rooms dedicated to the darker side of metal. Every Wednesday from 21:00 CET you can find one of her venues: Thelema 93 for Gothic Metal, Strigoi for Black Metal and Nosferatu’s Chapel for Funeral Doom Metal. Part of the evenings playlist at Thelema 93 and Strigoi is provided by Arsinoe of Black Rose fame. If you like your metal pure black then be sure to visit one of these rooms. You’ll be enthralled by the atmosphere, the music and the friendly fans. Gosh!

Thelema 93

Nosferatu’s Chapel

2 thoughts on “Thelema 93 Gothic Metal”

  1. Sasha is the Gothic Queen of 3DX. She has trademarked the phrase Gosh and has a Goth Meter in her Thelema 93 room. You will find Sasha always wearing a purse that is rumored to have the nuclear codes. Sasha also adores bats and can sometimes be seen hanging from the ceiling when not resting in her tomb.

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