“Vieni, vieni, o mio diletto” is an aria from Vivaldi’s opera “Ercole su’l Termodonte”. It was believed that the score of the opera had been lost, but the archives still contained 30 arias and 2 duets, and Alessandro Ciccoloni restored the score from the fragments found. The opera tells about the ninth feat of Hercules, in which he obtained the sword of the Amazon queen Antiope. Together with Hercules, other heroes are sent, who, as they fight the Amazons, fall in love with them. When the Amazons capture Theseus and want to sacrifice him to Diana, Hippolyta, Antiope’s sister, falls in love with him, and she sings this aria, being left alone and dreaming of her beloved. In the end, it all ends with weddings.
This aria was performed at The Black Rose by our own Bettsi with Arsinoe herself on the piano. In addition, special thanks go to Arsinoe for making these performances possible.

The music used for this performance was a rendition by Nadine Allori.