Dream Villa

Dream Villa
by RoseAnn

When it comes to cozy homes one will be hard pressed to find a finer example than this creation by RoseAnn. The modern style construction distinguishes itself by the absence of straight angles. Everything, from the building itself to the furniture and furnishings, delights in playing with unconventional geometries. Invariably, the eye gets seduced by one intricate detail after another. But the build is not limited to the villa. From the main building an impossibly long staircase leds up a cliff to a romantic hangout up top. Those with the endurance to follow the path to the very end, will be rewarded by an outdoor pool built into the rock. In line with the spirit of this build, not a straight line to be seen here. Instead the pool follows the organic shape of the mountain. Everything in this build speaks to the builder’s attention to detail and uncompromising attitude to never take the easy way out.

Most rooms keep evolving over time and this one is no exception. Since our last visit RoseAnn has made some notable additions and improvements we’re happy to share with you.

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