
Music is a big part of our virtual worlds. In this section we try to highlight some music pieces that have featured in one of the 3DX venues or that have some special significance otherwise. We also try to delve into some of the more obscure corners of musical history for your entertainment. If you have a suggestion for a music topic, please let us know.

Women Composers – Part 4

Introduction As we move into the 1800s we enter what is known in music history as the Romantic era. The previous Classical era was distinguished by its notions of form and structure. Beethoven was born into this period but pushed its boundaries further than Mozart or Haydn ever did. His need for expression caused him to...

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Women Composers – Part 3

Introduction Part Three of our journey takes us into the period between about 1750 and the early part of the 1800s; the so-called ‘Classical’ era. It is dominated by the familiar names of Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven; and the city of Vienna, which became the hub of the music world. This period in music saw the...

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Women Composers – Part 2

Introduction The period we are going to look at in part two is within what is referred to as the Baroque period (1600-1750) in the history of music. This Baroque style followed the Renaissance period and was followed by the Classical period. During the Baroque period we see the development of much of what is now...

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Women Composers – Part 1

Introduction If you were to ask someone to name a classical music composer, the result would almost certainly be a man – most likely one of those named below. But first, for the musicologists out there, let me define ‘classical’ in the broad sense of the word, meaning the long tradition of ‘art’ music that includes...

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Beethoven? Abba? Morse? Help! SOS. A previous blog describes how Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony starts with the famous rhythm ta-ta-ta-taaa (♪♪♪ ♩), which in Morse Code symbolises the letter ‘V’. Of course, Beethoven did not use the Morse Code to inspire his composition, as Morse Code was invented some 30 years after Beethoven wrote this symphony. Probably...

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Blues, the new Rock?

Evolution of music genres can reflect broader cultural shifts, especially in communities like those found in 3D platforms like 3dx. The statement that “Blues gave birth to Rock n Roll” highlights the deep-rooted connection between these genres, and it seems that blues is experiencing a revival, perhaps even transcending its traditional role in the musical hierarchy....

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