For a long time it was believed the Christmas Grinch was just a fairy tale, a figment of an overactive imagination. Alas dear readers, the Grinch is very real! But do not go looking for this mythical miscreant in the dark places of some forgotten forrest. No, the Grinch has evolved with time. Where then would this penultimate misanthrope be found in our modern times?
A clue was found in 3DX Chat Patch 456. Indeed this may well be described as the patch from hell, leaving scores of innocents stranded at the gates of their favourite virtual dwelling. From the cold and snowy North to the sunbaked South, cries of help could be heard directed at the ever elusive customer support, spouting back canned answers that only fuelled the despair.
A forced password change put everyone at the mercy of their email systems. Some eating the required response as nefarious spam. Some long forgotten accounts locked out and unusable leaving their owners in limbo. And some just not working for reasons only a Grinch could ever understand.
For those fortunate few that managed to navigate the password maze, more nasty surprises were waiting inside. Many hearts lept with joy these past weeks when it was discovered one could create text in all sorts of colours, if one knew the magical incantation to type. Alas, these little joys fell victim to the zeal of the Grinch. No more colour in our textual lives.
Fortunately not everything in life is vulnerable to the mischief of the Grinch. But we will let our resident archeologist and all round celebrity correspondent AnniM expound on this:
You aren’t being fair. I mean didn’t they turn all their priorities toward mirroring the men’s hair? Not only that!!! Didn’t they even create a new Men’s hair Style at the same time???. Those poor admin people working so hard before Christmas !!