The Hidden Circle Gazette has always prided itself on its world class investigative journalism. So, when reports of unusual occurrences within the Goth community surfaced, our interest was immediately piqued.
At first glance, everything appeared typical for these darkly clad denizens of the night. Yet, a discerning eye would notice a subtly eerie transformation among many with their pale complexions taking on a slightly ghoulish hue.
While this might not typically be cause for alarm as we’ve witnessed more disconcerting fashion trends in our time, when coupled with rumours of individuals hanging upside down from rafters, the situation takes on a more ominous tone. It’s clear that something wicked is afoot in our pixelated world.
Our initial investigation has pointed us towards a nexus of Goth activity: The Abby of Thelema.
Despite the risks to eardrums and mental stability, our courageous undercover reporter managed to infiltrate this occultist stronghold. There, they bore witness to proprietor Sasha peddling a strange concoction purportedly called Bat Milk. Unfortunately, our attempts to procure a sample for chemical analysis were thwarted by the unexpected intervention of a white bunny (possibly due to the correspondent’s slightly altered state). As a result, the exact connection of this peculiar brew to recent events remains elusive.
Nevertheless, our diligent reporter remains resolute in unraveling this perplexing mystery. The Hidden Circle Gazette is committed to bringing our readers the truth behind these bizarre occurrences, no matter how deeply buried they may be in shadows and superstitions.
With special thanks to Vibrent.
I attend The Abby of Thelema on a regular basis and have witnessed this wicked transformation. I’ve seen my friends become ghoulish and stopped one of them from biting my neck and wanting to suck my blood – omg.
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