Guest Book

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3 entries.
JanLou wrote on 2024-08-29 at 15:35
Much more than a gazette, it's a rich publication, when you compare it to other dedicated, overloaded and disorganised sites.
Here, it's all about aesthetics, beautiful writing and fluidity of reading. In short, a kind of journalistic art gallery.
Thank you for this creative review of creativity.
Gosh ! my school English has taken a serious beating... I'm going to stay AFK for a few years to reread my lessons.
Esk wrote on 2024-07-19 at 14:25
As he embarks on his daily quests, our intrepid reporter brings back tales of wonder and awe, his pen scratching out vivid descriptions of fantastical landscapes, mythical creatures, and the brave heroes who inhabit and create these realms. With each new discovery, he reveals the magic that lies beyond the edge of our everyday reality, igniting our imaginations and inspiring us to dream big. Through his words and images, he forges a connection between us all, reminding us that even in a world of fantasy, community and unity are the greatest magic of all. The image of his trusty typewriter evokes a sense of nostalgia, transporting me to a bygone era of investigative journalism and storytelling. I can almost hear the satisfying click-clack of the keys as he crafts his tales, bringing wonder and excitement to those who devour his words.
Lory G wrote on 2024-07-03 at 23:32
Hello! Great site. I'm having a lot of fun exploring it, learning about all the creativity of the players and builders featured in it. Thank you! 😄👌