Ground Zero is a music club that Lisa Mercury created and has been running for the last year. She plays a mix of blues music mixed with a little R&B and Rock. Lisa will take requests so don’t be afraid to ask her to play your favourite blues tune. Guests are welcome to take to the stage to play an instrument or get on the mic. You won’t find any bots in this room as Lisa is adamant real people are essential to the atmosphere of the room.

This venue is based on the original Ground Zero Blues Club in Clarksdale, Mississippi; which is co-owned by actor Morgan Freeman. It got its name from Clarksdale being historically referred to as “Ground Zero” for the blues. Blues fans in Clarksdale welcomed it as a place where local musicians have a chance to work regularly. Below is a picture of the club.

One of the things our reporter liked are the elegant wall decorations. The first one is POW/MIA flag you may encounter in more rooms. The flag symbolizes support and care for the soldiers, airmen, and sailors who served the United States in the Vietnam War, especially those who endured capture by the enemy.

Outside of the club you’ll find a collection of gorgeously rendered vehicles created by Lisa’s partner Conni. From heart a throbbing hotrod to a beefy 1991 Peterbilt truck, these are sure to get any petrol head’s juices flowing.

If you like to pay the Ground Zero blues club a visit, you’ll find it open every Saturday from 8:00PM CET.
With special thanks to Lisa and Conni Mercury.